I am by no means a professional kalimba player but I do have a lot of experience with other musical instruments and am passionate about music and providing free education for all.Starting to learn a new instrument can be a daunting task, especially if you’ve had no previous experience with other musical instruments. Here is a video of me playing all of these songs, just in case you wanted to hear how they are supposed to sound in rhythm. Yes-ter-day's pa-per tel-ling ye-ster-day's news. In his eyes, you see no pride, hand-held loose-ly by his side. Kick-ing up the papers with his worn-out shoes. Have you seen the old man in the closed-down mar-ket? His soft voice leads you around the streets of London, showing you what is going on in the world. The song's meaning refers to the homelessness throughout. Streets of London is a song written by Ralph Mctell and was inspired by a Surrey street market in Croydon. I'd like to hold it in my arms, and keep it com-pa-ny. I'd like to teach the world to sing In pe-rfect har-mo-ny. Grow ap-ple trees and hon-ey-bees and snow-white tur-tle doves. I'd like to build the world a home, and fur-nish it with love. It was produced by Billy Davis and was sung by the Hillside Singers for Coca-Cola in 1971. I'd like to teach the world to sing is a pop song which originated as a jingle for an advert. You have made my life com-plete, and I love you so.Īll my dreams fulfil, for my dar-lin I love you and I al-ways will. Love me ten-der, love me sweet. Ne-ver let me go. It is a very popular song by Elvis Presley. Later in 1956, the song was released again but with the lyrics. Love me tender is an adaption of a civil war song by Aura Lee that was originally published in 1861. Son-nez les ma-ti-nes, Son-nez les ma-ti-nes NOTES & LYRICS:įre-re Jac-ques, Fre-re Jac-ques. Dor-mez vous, dor-mez vous. The English lyrics translate to: Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Brother John, brother john. You'll never know dear, how much I love you.įrère Jacques is a very well known kid's French nursery rhyme, it was originally written by Rameau. The song is also known as a kids lullaby due to the positive nature of the lyrics. You are my sunshine is a complete classic, it has been performed by various artists such as johnny cash, the beach boys and more.

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, It has been since associated with the season of Christmas due to 'Santa and his sleigh', however, that is not how the songwriter originally intended. The song was inspired by the open sleigh cart-horse races during 1857. Jingle Bells is a very well known song that was originally written by James Lord Pierpont. Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick, chick, With a chick, chick here, and a chick, chick there. NOTES & LYRICS:Īnd on his farm, he had some chicks, E-I-E-I-O. Its first publication was approximately 1917.

Old MacDonald had A farm is a popular nursery rhyme and animal song for children. Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain.Īnd the incy wincy spider climbed up the spout again. The Incy wincy spider c limbed up the water spout.ĭown came the rain, and washed the spider out For example, when the rain brings you down, keep going because the sun will come out and you can try again. The idea of the song is very positive and it aims to inspire children to never give up. The song itself was first published in 1920 and variations of the lyrics are still being used today in various regions. Incy wincy spider is a popular modern nursery rhyme, according to various internet sources it started off as a song for adults that was called Camp and Camino’ with the main words being ‘blooming, bloody instead of ‘Itsy Bitsy’. Ma-ry had a lit-tle lamb, Its fleece was white as snow. Ma-ry had a lit-tle lamb, lit-tle lamb, lit-tle lamb. She was born in 1806 on a farm in Scotland and she had a pet lamb that she absolutely loved. The song is based on a real-life incident involving Mary Elizabeth Sawyer. Mary had a little lamb is another common kids’ nursery rhyme by composer Lowell Martin. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. The original rhyme was actually called ‘the star’ and since its first publication, it has changed quite significantly. Twinkle twinkle little star is a popular nursery rhyme that was written by an English author called Jane Taylor in 1806. Assuming that it is all good, let's go ahead and start learning those tabs! They are all suitable for a beginner on the thumb piano or kalimba. Before you can play any song you must ensure that your instrument is in tune, and is ready to go. These songs that I have chosen are in my opinion easy to play and learn with a little practice.