It’s found in a 2020 study in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine A review on the therapeutic effects of Neti Kriya with special reference to Jala Neti, on practicing Jala Neti daily for 2 weeks, patients got relief from 70% of symptoms of chronic sinusitis. This practice is very effective in reducing the inflammation and headache caused by the mucous layer within the sinuses. One such yoga exercise for sinusitis is Jala Neti in which we wash the sinuses and the nasal cavity with saline solution. You can use such yoga exercises in sinusitis. Yoga includes different nasal cleansing exercises that specially designed to open up clogged mucus lining and clear your nostrils before pranayama. What yoga exercises are good for sinus relief? Antibiotics killing these friendly bacteria can put you at risk of other respiratory ailments. And your respiratory walls are lined with plenty of such friendly bacteria. But, remember antibiotics work by killing bacteria, and while doing so, they may kill friend and foe alike.

In cases of infections, antibiotics are often used.

These kriyas will focus on improving the functioning of your body organs and boost your immunity. Apart from regular asanas you practice, practicing hatha yoga shatkarma kriyas like Jala Neti using a neti pot, sutra neti, kunjal kriya, and Kapalbhati would be more beneficial in curing such sinusitis conditions. You will have to make systematic efforts with yoga to heal your condition in chronic sinusitis.